Speech and Language Pathologist
Frequently Asked QuestionsA few of Our Most Asked Questions with Answers
What is a Speech Language Pathologist?
A speech-language pathologist or SLP is a professional with expertise in communication. SLP’s have a master’s degree that includes extensive work experience in a variety of settings (e.g., hospitals, schools, rehabilitation centers, private practices, etc.) while being supervised by a senior clinician. An SLP earns credentialing and certification after completing supervised clinical training. The following is a list of challenges SLPs can treat:
- Speech Sounds – how sounds are produced and heard
- Language – how we understand what we hear and read (receptive language) and how we use language to tell others what we are thinking (expressive language)
- Social Communication – how we interact with the world socially
- Cognitive Communication – executive functioning skills such as attention, problem solving, organization, and memory
- Voice – how our voices sound
- Fluency – also called stuttering
- Feeding and swallowing
Where Do You Work with Clients?
We see clients at my office space at 105 Lyndon Lane, suite 102. The office is conveniently located off of Shelbyville Road, near Oxmoor Mall.
How do we Get Started with Therapy?
Each new client receives an evaluation in order to fully assess both speech and language baseline. After the evaluation results and treatment plan are presented a plan for once or twice weekly therapy sessions will be proposed.
What is Involved in a Speech and Language Evaluation (Assessment)?
Standardized and non-standardized testing and physical examination of the oral cavity is administered to provide a more detailed picture of the client’s speech and language baseline. Assessments are comprehensive and involve collaboration with families, teachers, caregivers, special educators, psychologists, and other professions as needed. We will identify strengths and weaknesses; any pre-existing health conditions (e.g., ADHD, developmental disorders, language impairments, etc.); limitations related to feeding and swallowing, as well as environmental and/or personal aspects that may be barriers to communication.
What is the Difference Between Speech Disorder and a Language Disorder?
A speech disorder refers to a problem with the actual production of sounds, whereas a language disorder refers to a difficulty understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas.
Can Parents Sit In On Therapy Sessions?
Absolutely! Parent, grandparent, and/or caretaker involvement is welcomed and encouraged at Triad Speech Therapy. Home exercises will be prescribed at each session and parent feedback is essential to the progress of treatment.
Does Triad Speech Therapy Accept Insurance?
Triad Speech Therapy accepts Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield (Commercial and Managed Medicaid), Kentucky Medicaid, Passport, Humanna (Commercial and Humanna Medicaid).
If our practice is out of network, we are happy to provide you with a detailed receipt as documentation for services provided that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.
M-Th: 8:30am – 5:30pm
Friday: By Appointment